Press Releases

YKAN launches Koralestari Program in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara

Kick-off Koralestari
Keterangan Foto Peserta peluncuran program Koralestari di Kupang, NTT, terdiri dari perwakilan Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Provinsi, Pemerintah Daerah, sektor swasta, perguruan tinggi, dan p © Adia Puja Pradana/YKAN

Media Contacts

  • Adia Puja Pradana
    Communications Specialist Ocean Program YKAN
    Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara

Coral reefs, as one of the most productive marine ecosystems, are currently under severe threat from climate change, pollution, and unsustainable activities. The urgency of protecting and preserving these vital ecosystems necessitates immediate and close collaboration among multiple stakeholders.

Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) and its partners have launched the Koralestari program to enhance the protection and restoration of coral reefs in several Indonesian waters. This program, supported by the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR), a leading international organization dedicated to coral reef conservation, was inaugurated on Monday, July 1, 2024, at the Hiu Paus Hall of the National Marine Conservation Area Agency (BKKPN) in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Photo Caption Head of BKKPN Kupang, Imam Fauzi, delivered a presentation on the condition of Sawu Sea National Marine Park (TNP) and the work program of BKKPN Kupang related to Koralestari, in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), on July 1, 2024. © Adia Puja Pradana/YKAN

Koralestari is being implemented in three priority areas totaling 4.1 million hectares, including the Sawu Sea National Marine Park (TNP) in NTT Province; the Derawan Islands and Surrounding Waters (KDPS) in Berau, East Kalimantan Province; and the Lingga District Marine Conservation Area (KKPD) in the Riau Islands Province.

The program aims to reduce coral reef degradation by promoting sustainable blue economy activities, such as eco-tourism, sustainable fishing practices, and coastal development that respects marine ecosystems. It also addresses land and marine pollution, climate change impacts, and protecting reefs from invasive species.

Muhammad Firdaus Agung, Director of Ecosystem Conservation and Aquatic Biota at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KEBP-KKP), stated that Koralestari aligns with the ministry's current sustainable financing initiatives.

"The Koralestari program is an important learning opportunity to explore strategic financing potentials to enhance conservation benefits and community economic development in conservation areas. For the government, this program can also serve as a learning platform for implementing various sustainable financing initiatives currently initiated by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. This program should also be synergized with other government initiatives such as the Prosperous Sea (LAUTRA) program," said Firdaus.

TNP Sawu was selected as one of the priority areas for the Koralestari program due to its ecological significance, climate resilience, and potential for sustainable fisheries benefiting local communities. Flouri Rita Wuisan, Assistant 2 for Economy and Development at the NTT Provincial Secretariat, emphasized the need for maritime innovation to safeguard NTT's waters, including through the Koralestari program.

"Promoting conservation activities through the blue economy is crucial for marine ecosystem health, climate change mitigation, and improving community economies. Hopefully, this program can generate strong data science foundations to guide policy-making by local governments in the Koralestari program area," said Flouri.

Photo Caption Director of the MERA Program at YKAN, Muhammad Imran Amin, presented an overview of the Koralestari Program in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), on July 1, 2024. © Adia Puja Pradana/YKAN

Conservation and restoration efforts for coral reefs in TNP Sawu through the Koralestari program have received full support from BKKPN Kupang. "Conservation efforts and community economic development in TNP Sawu need to be realized through partnerships and implementing innovative programs. Hopefully, Koralestari will serve as a collaborative platform for stakeholders to engage in coral reef conservation efforts while promoting sustainable community economies," explained Imam Fauzi, Head of BKKPN Kupang.

Conservation and Restoration as Investment

The Koralestari program is designed to sustainably conserve Indonesian coral reefs through investment-worthy conservation and restoration efforts. This program can bring about three strategic visions: innovative funding mechanisms for coral reef conservation efforts, developing reef-positive businesses contributing to coastal community livelihoods, and enhancing local community capacity in restoring and conserving coral reefs to ensure coastal resilience.

The program will span six years and be divided into three phases. The initial phase will focus on foundational aspects such as data collection, assessments, feasibility studies, and establishing innovative funding mechanisms. This program was developed as a pilot program to assist the government in coral reef restoration efforts in Indonesian waters.

Photo Caption Participants in the launch of the Koralestari Program in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), include representatives from the Central Government, Provincial Government, Local Government, private sector, universities, and other stakeholders, on July 1, 2024. © Adia Puja Pradana/YKAN

"The success of the Koralestari program hinges on collaborative execution relevant parties, with roles and capacities shared and coordinated accordingly. Following this meeting's outcomes, YKAN will facilitate coordination processes and stakeholder communication, preparing the implementation framework for joint monitoring and evaluation," concluded Muhammad Imran Amin, Director of the Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration Alliance (MERA) Program at YKAN.

Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) is a scientific-based non-profit organization that has been present in Indonesia since 2014. With the mission of protecting lands and waters as life support systems, we provide innovative solutions to realize the harmony of nature and humans through effective natural resource management, prioritizing a non-confrontational approach, and building a network of partnerships with all stakeholders for a sustainable Indonesia. For more information, visit