
Books and Journals

Gonocephalus grandis Arboreal reptiles endemic to Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Myanmar. © YKAN

Indonesia Program Books & Journals

  • Governance issues related to the management and conservation of mangrove ecosystems to support climate change mitigation actions in Indonesia

    Governance issues related to the management and conservation of mangrove ecosystems to support climate change mitigation actions in Indonesia

    Mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia show great promise in contributing to climate change mitigation, but they continue to experience significant degradation primarily because of aquaculture conversion.

  • Drainage is a major means of the conversion of tropical peat forests into agriculture. Accordingly, drained peat becomes a large source of carbon. However, the amount of carbon (C) loss from drained peats is not simply measured. The current C loss estimate is usually based on a single proxy of the groundwater table, spatially and temporarily dynamic. The relation between groundwater table and C emission is commonly not linear because of the complex natures of heterotrophic carbon emission. Peatland drainage or lowering groundwater table provides plenty of oxygen into the upper layer of peat above the water table, where microbial activity becomes active. Consequently, lowering the water table escalates subsidence that causes physical changes of organic matter (OM) and carbon emission due to microbial oxidation. This paper reviews peat bulk density (BD), total organic carbon (TOC) content, and subsidence rate of tropical peat forest and drained peat. Data of BD, TOC, and subsidence were derived from published and unpublished sources. We found that BD is generally higher in the top surface layer in drained peat than in the undrained peat. TOC values in both drained and undrained are lower in the top and higher in the bottom layer. To estimate carbon emission from the top layer (0–50 cm) in drained peats, we use BD value 0.12 to 0.15 g cm-3, TOC value of 50%, and a 60% conservatively oxidative correction factor. The average peat subsidence is 3.9 cm yr-1. The range of subsidence rate per year is between 2 and 6 cm, which results in estimated emission between 30 and 90 t CO2e ha-1 yr-1. This estimate is comparable to those of other studies and Tier 1 emission factor of the 2013 IPCC GHG Inventory on Wetlands. We argue that subsidence is a practical approach to estimate carbon emission from drained tropical peat is more applicable than the use of groundwater table.

    The Use of Subsidence to Estimate Carbon Loss


    Drainage is a major means of the conversion of tropical peat forests into agriculture. Accordingly, drained peat becomes a large source of carbon. However, the amount of carbon (C) loss from drained peats is not simply measured.

  • Exploring the status of the Indonesian deep demersal fishery using length-based stock assessments

    Exploring the status of the Indonesian deep demersal fishery using length-based stock assessments


    The deep demersal snapper-grouper fishery in Indonesia is a data-poor fisheries resource that provides food security and a source of income to millions globally.

  • Indonesia that has the highest mangrove cover in the world
has lost its mangroves significantly in 1980s

    Mangrove Deforestation and CO2 emissions


    Mangroves are unique intertidal ecosystems that are experiencing high rates of deforestation throughout the world. Indonesia that has the highest mangrove cover in the world has lost its mangroves significantly in 1980s.

  • The mangrove ecosystems in KKP3K KDPS
covers 22,213 ha, representing about 25% of the mangrove area in Berau Regency.

    Brackish Water Pond Polyculture in Mangrove Areas


    A 2018 study measured the area of mangroves in Berau Regency at 86,087 ha, located in coastal and small islands (Agus et al., 2019). The mangrove ecosystems in KKP3K KDPS covers 22,213 ha, representing about 25% of the mangrove area in Berau Regency.

  • Wehea-Kelay is a tropical rainforest landscape in East Kalimantan with a total area of 532,143 ha.

    Avifauna in the Wehea-Kelay Landscape


    Wehea-Kelay is a tropical rainforest landscape in East Kalimantan with a total area of 532,143 ha. It has high conservation values since it is a home to at least 600 individuals of critically endangered bornean orangutans and other wildlife.

  • BHS coastal ecosystems and the communities that
depend on them are subject to multiple local and global
threats (Mangubhai et al., 2012).

    The Bird's Head Seascape Marine Protected Area network—Preventing biodiversity and ecosystem service loss amidst rapid change in Papua, Indonesia


    The Bird's Head Seascape (BHS), Papua, Indonesia is located within the epicenter of global marine biodiversity and has been the focus of recent conservation efforts to protect marine resources.


    Indonesia Seaweed Guide



  • This guide was developed to collect basic information on turtle nesting beaches that is useful for determining the conservation status of turtle nesting beaches in Savu Sea TNP.

    SOP: Turtle Nesting Beach in Savu Sea National Park


    Panduan ini dikembangkan untuk mengumpulkan informasi dasar mengenai pantai peneluran penyu yang berguna untuk menentukan status konservasi pantai-pantai peneluran penyu di TNP Laut Sawu.

  • The survey results show that coral reef ecosystems can be divided into two broad groups of community structures based on the diversity of hard coral genera.

    Rapid Ecological Study of Coastal Biological Resources of the Savu Sea National Park


    Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa eksosistem terumbu karang dapat dibedakan ke dalam dua kelompok besar struktur komunitas berdasarkan keragaman genera karang keras.

  • The SSNMP includes numerous coastal and oceanic habitats which are very
important for cetaceans (the collective name for all whales and dolphins) as well as the dugong.
Furthermore, it includes migratory bottlenecks for endangered whale species such as sperm and blue whales that are of regional conservation importance.

    Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) for Cetaceans in the Savu Sea Marine National Park


    The SSNMP includes numerous coastal and oceanic habitats which are very important for cetaceans (the collective name for all whales and dolphins) as well as the dugong.

  • This SOP was developed to collect socio-economic and cultural information to measure the changes that occur, and to track progress towards achieving the targets in the Savu Laut TNP Management Plan. This SOP also plays a role in providing information to answer questions related to the effectiveness of the Savu Sea TNP management system.

    SOP: Monitoring the Utilization of Marine Resources in the Savu Sea National Park


    SOP ini dikembangkan untuk mengumpulkan informasi sosial ekonomi dan budaya guna mengukur perubahan yang terjadi, dan mengetahui kemajuan pencapaian target dalam Rencana Pengelolaan TNP Laut Sawu.

  • Nine years in Lesser Sunda presents a concise but informative story
of our valuable learning process to demonstrate ecosystem-based
management in large scale marine areas of Lesser Sunda in a more
popular way.

    Nine Years in Lesser Sunda


    Nine years in Lesser Sunda presents a concise but informative story of our valuable learning process to demonstrate ecosystem-based management in large scale marine areas of Lesser Sunda in a more popular way.

  • Regent's regulation on the protection and management of coastal and marine resources based on the adat law community of Barata Kahedupa in the Kaledupa Island area in Wakatobi Regency.

    MHA Kaledupa Regent regulation


    Peraturan Bupati tentang perlindungan dan pengelolaan sumber daya pesisir dan laut berbasis masyarakat hukum adat Barata Kahedupa dalam wilayah Pulau Kaledupa di Kabupaten Wakatobi.

  • Protection and Management of Coastal and Marine Resources Based on the Kawati Indigenous Law Community in the Tomia Island Region in Wakatobi Regency

    MHA Tomia Regent Regulation


    Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Pesisir dan Laut Berbasis Masyarakat Hukum Adat Kawati dalam Wilayah Pulau Tomia di Kabupaten Wakatobi.

  • This area, which is very rich in marine wealth, is relatively remote with a small and scattered population.

    Documentation of the Process and Lessons Learned for the Establishment of the Raja Ampat KKPD and the Formation of the BLUD UPTD of the Raja Ampat KKPD


    Peluang bagi masyarakat Papua untuk mengelola kekayaan alamnya sendiri terbuka dengan adanya Undang-Undang Otonomi Daerah dan Otonomi Khusus Papua.

  • The Bird's Head Seascape (BLKB) in Papua, Indonesia, is the center of the world's marine biodiversity and is a
conservation priority. Until 2020, marine conservation efforts led by the Government of Indonesia
in partnership with civil society and local communities, has succeeded in establishing more than 23.6 million hectares
become a conservation area, including an area of 5.2 million hectares through the determination and management of the area
Water Conservation (KKP) in BLKB.

    SOTS: A Network of Marine Protected Areas in the Bird's Head Seascape of Papua 2019


    Bentang Laut Kepala Burung (BLKB) di Papua, Indonesia, merupakan pusat keanekaragaman hayati laut dunia serta menjadi prioritas upaya konservasi. Hingga tahun 2020, upaya konservasi laut yang dipimpin oleh Pemerintah Indonesia yang bermitra dengan masyarakat sipil dan masyarakat setempat.

  • MPAs and MPA Networks play an important role in conservation and management in
Indonesia. However, they can only achieve their objectives if they are well designed and
effectively managed (Green et al. 2014, Gill et al. 2017, Giakoumi et al. 2018).

    A Framework for Designing Marine Protected Areas and Marine Protected Area Networks In Indonesia


    MPAs and MPA Networks play an important role in conservation and management in Indonesia. However, they can only achieve their objectives if they are well designed and effectively managed (Green et al. 2014, Gill et al. 2017, Giakoumi et al. 2018).

  • Pada kondisi ini, mengenalkan upaya untuk menjaga lingkungan sejak
dini kepada anak-anak melalui pendidikan lingkungan hidup menjadi
penting. Pendekatan dalam modul pendidikan lingkungan hidup yang
mengintegrasikan beberapa cabang ilmu mengenai perikehidupan
manusia serta kaitannya dengan berbagai aspek sangat kontesktual
dengan situasi saat ini.

    Modul Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Perubahan Iklim dan Pariwisata Kelas VI


    Pada kondisi ini, mengenalkan upaya untuk menjaga lingkungan sejak dini kepada anak-anak melalui pendidikan lingkungan hidup menjadi penting. Pendekatan dalam modul pendidikan lingkungan hidup yang mengintegrasikan beberapa cabang ilmu mengenai perikehidupan manusia.

  • As a result of the large number of juvenile (immature) fish being caught, we recommend a phased approach to minimum size implementation, starting with increasing trade limits.

    Determination of the Minimum Size or Weight of Fish Species that Can Be Catch and Traded in the Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia


    Sebagai akibat dari masih banyaknya ikan juvenil (immature) yang tertangkap, kami merekomendasikan pendekatan bertahap untuk penerapan ukuran ukuran minimum, dimulai dengan menaikan batas perdagangan.

  • The work guide as well as a reference to fully understand the development process in the village, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

    YKAN Coastal SIGAP Guide


    Salah satu panduan kerja sekaligus sebagai rujukan untuk memahami secara utuh tentang proses pembangunan di desa, sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.