Desain Rehabilitasi Mangrove Sumatra Selatan

Keterangan Foto Desain Rehabilitasi Mangrove Sumatera Selatan, oleh Taufik Hidayat © YKAN
Oleh Taufik Hidayat

This book is a comprehensive rehabilitation plan for mangrove areas on the coast of Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra, prepared by the Nusantara Nature Conservation Foundation (YKAN) and the Musi River Watershed Management Agency (BPDAS) and supported by various parties, as part of the Mangrove Ecosystem Rehabilitation program activities Alliance (MERA). Hopefully, it will serve as a guide for mangrove rehabilitation activities on the coast of South Sumatra based on accurate data so that it can overcome various environmental and social problems and maintain the sustainability of the coastal mangrove ecosystem of South Sumatra.

Published           : March 30, 2024 
Publisher            : Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara 
Editors                : Andya Primanda 
Cover Artists      : Pinahayu Parvati 
Genres                : Sains Tags: 15+, Nonfiksi
Size                     : 15 x 23 cm