
Fact Sheets

Muara Angke Wildlife Reserve Muara Angke Nature Reserve was confirmed as a wildlife reserve based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry and Plantations No. 097/KPTS-II/98, with an area of ​​25.02 Ha. © Oka Rahardian

Indonesia Program Fact Sheets

  • Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) is a non-profit organization which was established in Indonesia in 2014.

    Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara Profire

    Lembar Fakta

    Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) adalah organisasi nirlaba berbasis ilmiah yang hadir di Indonesia sejak 2014.

  • Wain River Protected Forest Fact Sheet

    Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain

    Lembar Fakta

    Berjarak 15 kilometer dari pusat kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain (HLSW) menjadi penopang kehidupan wilayah urban Balikpapan.

  • The Rise of Cacao from East Kutai Factsheet

    Geliat Kakao dari Kutai Timur

    Lembar Fakta

    Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) merupakan salah satu komoditi unggulan yang memiliki peranan dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia. Luas perkebunan kakao di Indonesia mencapai 1,5 juta hektare.

  • Natural Climate Solutions in Indonesia Fact Sheet

    Solusi Iklim Alami di Indonesia

    Lembar Fakta

    NCS adalah serangkaian strategi perlindungan, restorasi dan perbaikan pengelolaan lahan untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim (Griscom et al., 2017).

  • How much do mangroves contribute
to achieving Iindonesia's NDC
emission reduction target?

    Pengurangan Emisi NDC

    Lembar Fakta

    Seberapa Besar Kontribusi Mangrove dalam Mencapai Target Pengurangan Emisi NDC Indonesia?

  • SOP for Tenure Conflict in Forest Areas, East Kalimantan Forestry Service

    SOP Konflik Tenuru Kawan Hutan

    Lembar Fakta

    Standar Operasional Prosedur ini dibuat sebagai panduan dan pedoman dalam pengidentifi kasian, penerimaan pengaduan, proses penyelesaian, dan pemantauan pasca penyelesaian konflik.

  • Webinar Report: Resolution for Sustainable Peatland Conservation in Indonesia

    Resolusi bagi Konservasi Gambut yang Berkelanjutan

    Lembar Fakta

    Ekosistem gambut di Indonesia masih terancam keberadaannya akibat laju deforestasi dan degradasi yang dipicu berbagai faktor, seperti pembalakan hutan, kebakaran, dan praktikpraktik pertanian yang kurang sesuai dengan kaidah konservasi.

  • Mangroves Intensity for Achieving Indonesia's NDC Target

    Kekuatan Mangrove untuk Pencapaian Target NDC

    Lembar Fakta

    Mangrove adalah cara paling efektif dan efisien dalam sekuestrasi karbon, yaitu menangkap carbon COâ‚‚ yang ada di atmosfer dan menyimpannya di tanah.

  • Benefits of MPA (Shredded Fish) fact sheet

    Manfaat MPA (Abon Ikan

    Lembar Fakta

    Kelompok abon Ibu-Ibu Kampung Limalas terbentuk sejak April 2015, anggota dari kelompok ini merupakan ibu-ibu yang juga tergabung dalam koperasi Embun Raja Ampat Selatan.

  • Rapid growth in the tourism sector will require
careful strategic planning with participation from
communities to ensure that environmental and
social values are protected.

    Sustainable Solution to Indonesia's Marine Tourism

    Lembar Fakta

    Rapid growth in the tourism sector will require careful strategic planning with participation from communities to ensure that environmental and social values are protected.

  • The Berau Marine Ecosystems factsheet.

    The Berau Marine Ecosystems

    Lembar Fakta

    The Berau marine ecosystems protecting an underwater paradise for sustainable benafits.

  • MCAs can be formal or informal,
involve any combination of partners
including local resource owners,
managers, or users, and sets guidelines
on collective action that will be
taken to achieve agreed-upon marine
conservation goals.

    Marine Conservation Agreements Providing Social, Cultural and Economic Benefits to Local Communities

    Lembar Fakta

    MCAs can be formal or informal, involve any combination of partners including local resource owners, managers, or users, and sets guidelines on collective action that will be taken to achieve agreed-upon marine conservation goals.

  • Rapid growth in the tourism sector will require
careful strategic planning with participation from
communities to ensure that environmental and
social values are protected.

    Sustainable Solution to Indonesia's Marine Tourism

    Lembar Fakta

    Rapid growth in the tourism sector will require careful strategic planning with participation from communities to ensure that environmental and social values are protected.

  • By 2025, 15 million hectares of Indonesia's coastal habitats are sustainably managed to support coastal livelihoods, sustainable fisheries, and Indonesia biodiversity.

    By 2025, 15 million hectares of Indonesia's coastal habitats are sustainably managed to support coastal livelihoods, sustainable fisheries, and Indonesia biodiversity.

    Lembar Fakta

    By 2025, 15 million hectares of Indonesia's coastal habitats are sustainably managed to support coastal livelihoods, sustainable fisheries, and Indonesia biodiversity.