Inauguration FKPB
Keterangan Foto Pelantikan pengurus dan anggota Forum Komunikasi Perkebunan Berkelanjutan masa bakti 2019-2022 Kabupaten Berau. © YKAN


Berau District Inaugurated Its First District Communication Forum on Sustainable Estate Crop

In 2019, the District Communication Forum on Sustainable Estate Crop in Berau District (Forum KPB Berau) was officially founded. With the 2019 Berau District Head Decree No. 52 as its legal basis, it becomes the first Forum KPB at the district level in East Kalimantan.

The Forum KPB Berau aims to support, develop, and provide recommendations to resolve multisectoral plantation issues. In conducting its roles, the Forum is supported by several Working Groups (Pokja): the Environmental and Biodiversity Conservation Working Group, Social-Economy and Cultural Working Group, the Advocacy and Policy Working group, and Cooperation and Development Working Group.

Pelantikan pengurus dan anggota Forum Komunikasi Perkebunan Berkelanjutan masa bakti 2019-2022 Kabupaten Berau.
Photo Caption Inauguration of District Communication Forum on Sustainable Estate Crop's Executives and Members at Bumi Segah Hotel by Berau District Head Muharram (January 2020) © YKAN

In 2019, the Communication Forum for Sustainable Plantation in Berau District (Forum KPB Berau) was officially founded. With the 2019 Berau District Head Decree No. 52 as its legal basis, it becomes the first Forum KPB at the district level in East Kalimantan.

The Forum KPB Berau aims to support, develop, and provide recommendations to resolve multisectoral plantation issues. In conducting its roles, the Forum is supported by several Working Groups (Pokja): the Environmental and Biodiversity Conservation Working Group, Social-Economy and Cultural Working Group, the Advocacy and Policy Working group, and Cooperation and Development Working Group.

Since its inauguration on January 21, 2020, the Forum KPB Berau has conducted several activities in setting the groundwork for the secretariat, including organising meetings, discussions, and preparations of operational supporting documents. However, the Forum’s activities were yet optimal because each session never met the quorum due to the conflicting schedules of different government offices or organisations and limited working space for coordination activities and informal discussions.

Regardless of the limitations mentioned earlier, the Forum has succeeded in constructing a follow-up plan, which includes plantation database consolidation, determining Indicative High Conservation Value Areas in the Permitted Plantation Business Zone, as well as the preparation of a policy brief on “Pemberdayaan Pekebun Kelapa Sawit Menuju Perkebunan Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Berau” (Empowering Oil Palm Farmers Toward Sustainable Plantation in Berau District).

In addition, the forum advocated tenurial, environmental and social conflict resolutions, including plasma and labour issues and forest areas. The Forum also extended valuable support on accelerating the establishment and consolidation of smallholders/farmers’ associations.

Another output accomplished by this Forum was organising the “Bincang Komoditas Perkebunan Lestari Kalimantan Timur” (East Kalimantan Sustainable Plantation Commodity Talk) or Bingka Kaltim discussion and online seminar. The first series of this online seminar tackled the subject: “Menggagas Peta Jalan Pembangunan Hijau Berau Melalui Investasi Komoditas Lestari” (Initiating the Berau Green Development Roadmap through Sustainable Commodity Investment).