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A Decade of Green Collaboration for Sustainable East Kalimantan

Kolaborasi Hijau Kaltim
Photo caption 10th anniversary celebration of YKAN, together with its partners, further strengthens collaboration for sustainable Indonesia. © YKAN

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As a province rich in natural resources, East Kalimantan (Kaltim) plays a strategic role in preserving tropical forests and sustaining life globally. The implementation of green development principles has been a continuous effort by the East Kalimantan provincial government through partnerships with various stakeholders, including Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN).

"Green development is not just an option, but a necessity to protect the earth and future generations. YKAN's success in integrating conservation with the empowerment of local communities is an example. The collaboration between the government, Indigenous communities, and conservation organizations like YKAN is key to maintaining the natural heritage we have," said Sri Wahyuni, Secretary of East Kalimantan, during her speech at the 10th-anniversary celebration of YKAN in Samarinda on October 30, 2024, titled Green Collaboration for a Sustainable Indonesia.

Photo Caption The Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province, Sri Wahyuni, delivered her speech. © YKAN

In East Kalimantan, conservation programs have been running since 2002 under The Nature Conservancy (TNC). In 2014, YKAN took over TNC's operations and conservation programs, including those in East Kalimantan. YKAN has prioritized partnerships, offering innovative solutions to achieve harmony between nature and humanity through effective natural resource management. A non-confrontational approach has been central to building partnerships with all stakeholders for a sustainable Indonesia.

Result of Green Development in East Kalimantan

Currently, 441 villages or community groups in East Kalimantan are receiving performance-based incentives from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility-Carbon Fund (FCPF-CF) for their efforts in emission reduction on the ground during 2019–2024. At the government level, emission reduction acceleration is driven by multi-stakeholder collaboration through the Green Growth Compact (GGC), which started in 2016 and now has support from over 300 institutions.

Community-based natural resource management programs also contribute positively. The government's commitment has strengthened with the issuance of regional regulations on SIGAP (Inspirational Action for Change), a village mentoring approach adopted by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Berau Regency, as well as the implementation of the SIGAP Sejahtera Program by the Berau Regency Government.

The multi-party commitment to preserving Kalimantan's nature is also reflected in a forum committed to managing high conservation value areas in the Wehea-Kelay Landscape. According to YKAN's survey data, this area of 406,344 hectares is home to 1,282 orangutans (survey data 2020) and 13,090 species of flora and fauna (survey data 2022). "Through the Wehea-Kelay forum partnership, we can continue to realize our commitment to sustainable forest management. The operation of production forest governance can be aligned with environmental conservation principles, involving local communities around the concession areas," said Totok Suripto, President Director of PT Gunung Gajah Abadi, a member of the Wehea-Kelay Forum, who was present at the event.

Photo Caption The speakers present shared their testimonials, as well as their hopes in facing the challenges of conservation work in the future. © YKAN

Despite the positive outcomes of green development efforts in Kalimantan, the expansion of sustainable conservation programs remains a critical focus, with growing challenges that threaten nature and human survival.

Together, We Find a Way

Together, We Find a Way has become the theme chosen by YKAN for its 10th anniversary of conservation missions in Indonesia this year. "We greatly appreciate the opportunity and trust given to us to support green development in East Kalimantan. Thank you to the provincial government, local governments, academics, NGOs, companies, and communities collaborating closely with YKAN over the past 10 years.

I believe we can strengthen and expand the existing collaborations, ensuring nature is protected and communities thrive amid the increasingly complex environmental crises," said Herlina Hartanto, Executive Director of YKAN, accompanied by YANI Kardono, Chair of YKAN's Supervisory Board, during the event.

Photo Caption 10th anniversary celebration of YKAN, together with its partners, further strengthens collaboration for sustainable Indonesia. © YKAN

Improving sustainable natural resource governance remains a key priority, with continued multi-stakeholder involvement. The strengthening of financial support systems is expected to enhance the impact of ongoing green development.

The 10th anniversary of YKAN is seen as a moment for all stakeholders to reflect on and strengthen their commitment to preserving the nature and biodiversity of Indonesia, starting from East Kalimantan. Together, we find a way for a sustainable East Kalimantan!

Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) is a scientific-based non-profit organization that has been present in Indonesia since 2014. With the mission of protecting lands and waters as life support systems, we provide innovative solutions to realize the harmony of nature and humans through effective natural resource management, prioritizing a non-confrontational approach, and building a network of partnerships with all stakeholders for a sustainable Indonesia. For more information, visit