Press Releases

Collaborative Beach Clean-Up Action in Wakatobi National Park Area

Keterangan Foto Peserta aksi bersih pantai di kawasan Desa Kollo Soha, Kecamatan Tomia, Kabupaten Wakatobi, 30 Mei 2024. © La Ode Robiyanto

Media Contacts

  • Adia Puja Pradana
    Communications Specialist Ocean Program YKAN
    Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN)

To reduce plastic waste in the Wakatobi National Park area, the local government of Tomia District, the Wakatobi National Park Agency (BTNW), the Tomia Island Waste Management Unit (UPTD), and the Nusantara Nature Conservation Foundation (YKAN) held a beach clean-up event along the shores of Kollo Soha Village, specifically Hondue Beach and Soha Beach. This event, also supported by UNIQLO, was held on May 29-30, 2024.

This collaborative effort involved various parties, particularly the younger generation, such as the One Mohute Youth Organization, students from several schools, and the residents of Kollo Soha Village. The selection of Hondue Beach and Soha Beach for the clean-up was not without reason. Both beaches have significant tourism potential. Besides having beautiful coastlines, tourists, especially locals, often visit these beaches.

Photo Caption Environmental education for students in Tomia District, Wakatobi Regency, aligns with the beach clean-up activities in Kollo Soha Village. This initiative, conducted on May 30, 2024, aims to help students understand the importance of protecting the environment. © La Ode Arifudin/YKAN

"This year, Kollo Soha Village was included in the list of the 300 best tourist villages awarded by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy through the Indonesian Tourism Village Award 2024. Therefore, it is essential for all of us to maintain the cleanliness of the beach environment in Kollo Soha Village," said Jamuddin, the Head of Tomia District.

However, waste often threatens the natural preservation of Hondue Beach and Soha Beach. YKAN's observations from September 2023 to January 2024 found about 11,585 kg, or 87%, of household waste and 124 kg, or 13%, of coastal waste on these beaches.

"One of the challenges in waste management on small islands is the limited land for waste storage and waste from outside areas carried by currents and winds. This leads to pressure on natural resources and threats to the habitat and species health around these beaches," explained Iwanuddin, Head of Section III Tomia-Binongko of the Wakatobi National Park Agency.

Photo Caption On May 30, 2024, the community and stakeholders of Kollo Soha Village, Tomia District, Wakatobi Regency, participated in a joint waste clean-up activity. © La Ode Robiyanto

Reflecting on these challenges, collaborative action is necessary to reduce waste and enhance Kollo Soha Village's tourism potential. "This beach clean-up activity is just one of three major agendas. The other two are socializing waste separation from the household level and environmental education for the younger generation. Suppose the beaches in Kollo Soha Village are clean. In that case, it can impact the development of tourism potential and economic value for the community itself," said Sahirun, Acting Head of Kollo Soha Village.

Based on the observations, YKAN provided several recommendations to address the land limitation for waste management. These include recommending reducing the use of single-use plastic packaging by using reusable tumblers and shopping baskets. Additionally, the community was given guidelines on efficiently separating organic and non-organic waste and managing organic waste into compost. This aims to reduce household waste piles and address land limitations.

Photo Caption On May 30, 2024, the community and stakeholders of Kollo Soha Village, Tomia District, Wakatobi Regency, participated in a joint waste clean-up activity. © La Ode Robiyanto

During the two-day beach clean-up activity, 297 kg of non-organic plastic waste was collected. After being collected and sorted, economically valuable waste was sent to plastic waste collectors.

Partnership for Nature Conservation

Since 2022, YKAN has assisted Kollo Soha Village through the Inspirational Citizen Actions for Change (SIGAP) approach. The Wakatobi Regency Government has designated it a tourist village relying on marine tourism potential. The three major activities to address waste challenges in Kollo Soha Village are outlined in the 2024 Annual Work Plan (RKT) document between BTNW and YKAN.

In addition to the local government and community, BTNW, and YKAN, this collaborative action is supported by a partnership with the private sector, namely UNIQLO. Since 2023, UNIQLO and YKAN have collaborated to address challenges in several areas, including Kollo Soha Village.

"Hopefully, through the actions taken by UNIQLO along with other partners in Kollo Soha Village, we can reduce the amount of plastic waste in the beach environment and increase awareness among the community and younger generation about waste management. Therefore, we strongly support such collaborative actions, as we can contribute to environmental sustainability and provide value to the community," said Irma Yunita, Director of Corporate Affairs at PT Fast Retailing Indonesia (UNIQLO).

Photo Caption Participants of the Beach Clean-Up Activity in Kollo Soha Village, Tomia District, Wakatobi Regency, May 30, 2024. © La Ode Robiyanto

YKAN welcomes the partnership with UNIQLO and other partners to impact environmental conservation in Indonesia positively. "Sustainable environmental management must be done collaboratively. Therefore, YKAN strives to continue engaging various parties in their respective roles to achieve sustainable natural resource management," concluded La Ode Arifudin, YKAN's Wakatobi Program Coordinator.

Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) is a scientific-based non-profit organization that has been present in Indonesia since 2014. With the mission of protecting lands and waters as life support systems, we provide innovative solutions to realize the harmony of nature and humans through effective natural resource management, prioritizing a non-confrontational approach, and building a network of partnerships with all stakeholders for a sustainable Indonesia. For more information, visit